Painting the Portrait
A workshop with
Ricky Mujica

Join us for an online painting experience with Ricky Mujica!
In this four week workshop you’ll paint along with Ricky as he explains key concepts to help you understand how to get a likeness in your portraits, how to mix accurate colors and Ricky’s step by step painting process.
You will learn the PAINTING PRINCIPLES he uses to create his portraits.
Once you understand these principles, you will be able to take them into your own studio and adapt them to your own painting style. These are the foundational skills you need to create gorgeous portraits.
“I want my painting to be looser. I always tighten up and get too stiff.”
Have you ever thought this about your paintings?
I hear this from painters all the time. You want your work to be accurate but you want your brushstrokes to appear free and loose (but in the right spot).
Ricky will show you how to set up your painting so that when you get to the “beauty pass” (that’s when you get to add all the bravura) the hard work is done. You already have an accurate drawing, your painting LOOKS like your model, and your skin tones are accurate. You’re not trying to do all that at the same time so now you CAN be free with your strokes!
Learn to paint portraits with Ricky Mujica
an online painting experience
May 13th through June 4th, 2021
We meet Thursdays AND Fridays 1 - 3:30PM EST
What you will learn:
Week One:
(your speakers are fine - there is no sound 😉)
We'll kick off the first week on Thursday with an overview of the entire course and what you will learn. Ricky will give you a thourough description of each pass of the paintiing process and the goals for each pass so that you know exactly what skills you should focus on. Then you'll jump right in and start to paint a portrait with Ricky.
We meet twice every week - so on Friday, you'll continue with your painting with Ricky and the other participants in the course.
First Pass: This first week you will learn optical drawing and measuring techniques, so that you get accurate proportions and a solid likeness of the model.
You will have a front row seat, so that you can paint along with Ricky - you'll see his source material, and listen WHILE YOU PAINT as he shares how to break down the form accurately. You will paint together two days in a row (Thursday and Friday) and be able to ask questions.
And while we do take our art seriously - we also like to have fun while we paint! Ricky will share some drawing games for training your eye to see and measure accurately!
Week Two:
Again, we meet two days - Thursday and Friday - so you will have two full sessions of painting, instruction, and time for questions.
Second Pass: This week focuses on color and color harmony. Ricky will instruct you on the “dead layer pass,” - Fill in the large masses with a very thin layer of paint and get rid of all white spaces so that you can make accurate color decisions.
Ricky will talk about the components of color: hue, value and saturation while teaching you how to mix your colors properly. That way you can find the right color for your painting. Skin colors don't have to be intimidating - you'll learn how to mix them!
Week Three:
Third Pass: This week covers brushwork, use of brushes, and techniques for rendering. It's where we will begin our detail and rendering work to create three dimensional, structural forms.
You will use both Thursday and Friday to learn how to resolve the form, shape by shape. Training your eye to using comparisons to ensure you end up with a cohesive painting.
Ricky will teach the FOUR things you need to know how to do to paint in any medium.
Week Four:
Fourth Pass: You will use your two days with Ricky this week for the “beauty pass” - This is where it ALL COMES TOGETHER!
Ricky will instruct you in corrective glazing, scumbling, and velaratura (don't know what that is yet? you're in for a treat!)
Now that you've nailed the big shapes and crafted the form so that you can feel the flesh turning - NOW it's time for the detail work!
This is where you will add your personal touches when you bring all of the skills of the past weeks together!
What you Get when you enroll:
- TWICE WEEKLY PAINT ALONG SESSIONS! Every Thursday and Friday, you'll work on your own painting from the same model as Ricky shares his tips.
- Painting exercises so that you get HANDS ON EXPERIENCE with your portrait paintings.
- Q and A sessions at the end of each lesson so that you can get your questions answered and learn from your peers.
- ALL LESSONS ARE RECORDED so that you can watch them again and again.
This is why Ricky Mujica is in such high demand as a teacher:
"Ricky is a teacher extraordinaire! His critiques are detailed and thorough, yet gentle. He is generous with his time and his knowledge. He patiently but insistently encourages you to see more and do better."
~ Esther A.
"I’ve taken a number of terrific classes at the Art Students League, but those I’ve enjoyed and benefited from the most were led by artist Ricky Mujica. Ricky is unique in that he is both an excellent and talented artist but also a wonderful teacher, able to effectively convey his thoughts and techniques. Not every great artist is a great art teacher. Ricky manages to be both."
- Joe Petito
"There is no greater gift than someone who is willing to share their knowledge and Ricky is selfless in his pursuit to share the vast amount of knowledge, skills and techniques that he has accumulated during his career. Ricky’s classes always exceed my expectations. I am proud to be a student of Ricky and so fortunate that I am able to learn from such a gifted and talented teacher and a wonderful human being."
- John T.
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A few more artists on Learning from Ricky:
'Ricky Mujica teaches very systematically and clearly all the important elements of figurative painting. Both the purely technical side and the art-historical context are constantly discussed. His approach is very consistent and therefore also very accessible.
With endless energy he demonstrates, explains, and gives feedback to each student individually.
And perhaps most important of all, this is someone who makes it his mission to generously pass on his knowledge to others.'
Bertrand D.
“I have enjoyed taking Ricky’s oil painting class because it is fun and well organized. He meets each of us at the level we are and allows us to grow.
Even when he is providing comments to a student’s painting, he teaches a lesson about oil painting techniques, art history, color harmony, perspective, and shows pictures of paintings that allow him to make his point.”
- Cecilia M.
I have been taking several classes a month at The Art Students League. Ricky Mujica’s class is by far the best. His expertise and generosity with his time are exceptional.
He has taught the class about drawing, painting the figure, portrait painting, and so much more. He has lectured on color, values in a painting, and so many other concepts. He shows video demos as we paint along with him. He critiques a wide spectrum of student work and shows examples of a particular style or technique to augment his comments. I could go on but suffice to say he is a great artist and a great teacher.
- Elaine C
The Workshop starts Thursday, May 13th, 2021 and runs for four weeks. Last class is Friday, June 4th, 2021
We'll meet every Thursday AND Friday from 1PM until 3:30PM Eastern Standard time.
Classes are two and a half hours. That gives us plenty of time for demonstrations and a Q and A discussion at the end of the class
We meet on Thursdays AND Fridays from 1PM until 3:30PM Eastern Standard time.
YES! Classes will be recorded. And YES, you will have access after the course ends.
We'll post the recordings for you within 24 hours. If something comes up and you have to miss a class, we've got you covered!
The recordings are also SUPER helpful if you need to go back and check your notes while you're working on your painting so we like to get them up lickety split!
Recordings are available after the class ends for up to 6 months!
If you'd like personalized critiques, there is limited availability. You can select this option at checkout.
Absolutely! We will email you the materials list once you enroll!
Yes you can! The demonstrations will be mostly in oils but the concepts I will be teaching can be applied to any painting medium.
We're here to help!
Here's what other artists say about SAVVY PAINTER WORKSHOPS:
“The class has been the best I have ever had and I will refer to it often. Indeed, it has changed my entire way of looking at art, and I am thrilled at translating these insights into painting.”
~ Margaret T
“’I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, my first with Savvy Painter! I’m looking forward to participating in more of them! Thank you so much!”
- Trish H.
Everything was organized, communicated well and presented so well. What a great team you make! Your warm yet professional personalities created an experience where we each felt part of a meaningful and interactive community. Personally, the curriculum and attention resulted in what feels like great growth and a deeper understanding of what I"m doing.
- Carol L.
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