Transform Your Art Practice: Gain Confidence and Creative Freedom with Expert Coaching

  •  Improve Your Painting Skills
  • Gain Confidence in Your Work
  • Access to Expert Coaching and Community Support
  • Achieve Your Artistic Goals Faster

Ready to take your art practice to the next level? Get access to a supportive community, expert coaching, and the tools you need to thrive as an artist

When you learn how to harness your creative genius, you'll be blown away by what you create (on and off the canvas).

Growth Studio gives you a safe place to explore, strengthen your confidence and step boldly into your dream.

The process is simple and you will have a supportive group alongside you.

Make art. Share it. Sell it. Build the art practice of your dreams, on your terms.

Why do artists JOIN? 

Community with other artists.

Make progress with new career.

Leaning into a growth mindset.

Growth Studio will help you...

  • RECOGNIZE and TRUST your voice and use it confidently.
  • Bring play back into the studio and paint more freely.
  • Keep resistance, perfectionism, and the inner critic out of your studio so you can FOCUS and be a PROLIFIC painter.
  • Feel comfortable telling people your art is for sale (and the price).
  • Bounce back quickly and easily from rejection ( “no” is just data)

Master Your Growth:

Weekly Coaching

Get consistent support, guidance and mindset coaching to help you achieve your goals and master your true voice.

Paint Better:


Receive expert feedback to improve technique and develop your unique artistic style with our weekly painting critiques.

What do artists get out of GRowth studio? 

Community with other artists.

Confidence, creativity, and unexpected transformations.

Part of a bigger transformation.

What You Get When You Join Savvy Painter Growth Studio:

  • Weekly coaching with Antrese
  • Full Access to ALL  Growth Studio Teachings
  • Weekly Art Critiques
  • Access to our private community

Why Join Growth Studio?

Unleash Your Inner Maverick: Ignite Your Artistic Genius

Break free from conventional boundaries and tap into your limitless creativity. Growth Studio empowers you to embrace your unique voice, experiment fearlessly, and revolutionize your studio practice. Prepare for a wild ride of artistic discovery

Master the Art of Mindset: Transform Your Creative Journey

Your mindset is the key to unlocking your true potential as an artist. In Growth Studio, we'll delve deep into the psychology of creativity, helping you conquer self-doubt, overcome artistic blocks, and cultivate unwavering confidence. When you master your mindset, you unleash limitless possibility.

Join a CIRCLE of Fearless Artists: Fuel Your Creative Fire

In Growth Studio, you'll join a vibrant community of like-minded artists who understand the joys and challenges of the creative process. You'll find an environment where collaboration, support, and laughter fuel artistic growth. We celebrate every win as you learn to talk about your art with confidence, and celebrate your authentic voice.

Packed with

Features you'll love


Let's be honest - being an artist isn't all rainbows and puppies. You'll learn to be free of all the voices of past instructors, self doubt, and poisonous thoughts that silence your true, authentic voice.

Every week you have the opportunity to get coached or learn from your peers.

  • Practice new ways of thinking about your art.
  • Change habits that block you.
  • Hold yourself accountable (with love and grace).
  • Sign Up
  • Check Email
  • Log in and connect

A Safe Community

Connect with other artists in our weekly gatherings. Creating art is often a solitary business, but it doesn't have to be isolating or lonely. Surround yourself with a kind and supportive community who will help you through your blocks and celebrate your wins.


Get feedback on your painting, without compromising your vision. You’ll learn how to create focus, direct the viewer’s eye where you want it to go, create the mood you’re wanting to convey or understand how to make sure that white couch sits back in the shadows.

When you know your painting "isn't working" but you're not sure exactly why - I've got you!

In Growth Studio, every week, you have the opportunity to get live feedback!

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Check out

What Members are saying

I'm feeling so grateful for this community. Thanks, Antrese for creating this place where we can share and learn from you and each other. Even when roadblocks or hurdles are difficult to articulate, you  always find a way to bring clarity. For an artist it is a safe place to be and to grow. I just wanted to say thank you :) 


Oil Painter

Antrese, I have never been so excited about my work! You provide such a wealth of resources and spot on coaching. I feel like my growth is limited only by the amount of effort I choose to apply to my work. And you present that effort as something exciting and FUN. I cannot wait to see where my skillset can go!!




Pricing Options



  • Live Coaching Calls
  • Live Group Critique Sessions
  • Live lessons
  • Library of Recorded Sessions
  • Total transformation of your art practice



  • Live Coaching Calls
  • Live Group Critique Sessions
  • Live lessons
  • Library of Recorded Sessions
  • Total transformation of your art practice

7 Day

Money Back Guarantee

With Growth Studio, you'll have access to personalized coaching, expert guidance, and a supportive community, all of which can help you break through the blocks that are holding you back. At just $139 per month, the cost of Growth Studio is a fraction of what you could  earn from selling your art or landing new opportunities. Plus, with a 7-day money-back guarantee, you can enroll with confidence knowing that your investment is protected. 

Yeah, but is it worth it?

"It will be the best investment you make in yourself as an artist."

"Try it! I really think you are going to love it - and be surprised at how much you're going to  love it."

"What you gain is so much more than the cost. It's such a value."

"Growth Studio is a source of constant reinforcement, knowledge, kindness and support. I love it."

About  Antrese

Hey there! I'm so glad you're here. I've been fortunate enough to work with some of the most creative minds in the entertainment industry during my time at Disney. After a decade of providing art direction on video game titles to artists worldwide, I became skilled at quickly identifying problems and clearly articulating how to make high-quality paintings.

But that's not all. I'm also a Master Certified Coach and Deep Dive Coach, which means I can help you get to the root cause of all the sneaky tricks your brain tries to play when you're in your studio. You'll see exactly what your thoughts are creating and master the tools that create lifelong habits.

With my rare combination of practical art skills and cognitive behavior studies, I guarantee you'll see concrete results. I've spent years curating lessons from my own studies and experiences to create this program just for you. Let's make some magic together!

It elevates everything about the experience of painting

 (Antrese) really talks a lot about falling in love with your painting. I have that now as a criteria of a successful painting experience:  am I in love with my painting and am I deeply curious about my painting? And that has just helped me refine and crystallize that very important mindset. It brings joy to my work. It gets me excited. 

Louisa Jornayvaz

What do Artists say about

working with Antrese?

Antrese is always very efficient with what she says. She keeps the group running and stays focused. I love that. I love that she redirects if whoever's talking gets off course or tries to go around the answer. But she's kind, she keeps it running, and she's great at time management because we all have a lot to say - and it's fun!

~ Leslie

Antrese definitely challenges me. She has some of the answers, but she teases them out of me, and it probably works much better that way for me to come up with the answers myself than for anybody just to give them to me and write them down. And Antrese is extremely generous, so it is a pleasure to work with her.

~ Michele

"I enjoy being pushed, but (Antrese is) good at not pushing when somebody doesn't want to be pushed. I've noticed that (Antrese doesn't) push all of us the same way. (She's) good at reading the person and and seeing how tough to be, and how gentle to be."

~ Jack

~ Janice

"Antrese brought a unique level of insight and genuine caring to each participant, which I so much appreciated. She made everyone feel comfortable and supported, like a dear friend, but also knew when to break out some tough love, like a compassionate mentor that really cares about your evolution.”

~ Laura

"Within a few months of Antrese’s course on getting into a gallery, I not only got into one, but had a successful solo show.

She helped me break that self-imposed limited thinking and move along a more productive path. Not everyone’s going to have the same result, but everyone will take away something liberating. She’s really good at re-directing your thinking.

~ Rhonda

“Antrese is so down to earth. It's like having a good friend to talk to. I mean, she's an artist, so of course, she understands. She's bringing up the right questions.

When you talk outside the group, people don't get it because "you're so lucky you're an artist!" And we are! Yet, there's still all these challenges. I'm very thankful that she put the program together. She's very organized and to the point.

~ Kathleen


 What is Growth Studio and how can it benefit me as an artist?

Growth Studio is a comprehensive online coaching program designed to elevate your studio practice and help you achieve growth in your art career. Through a combination of coaching, critiques, and resources, you get the support and guidance you need to reach your artistic goals.


Our coaching sessions are conducted weekly via live Zoom calls where you'll have the opportunity to connect with Antrese and fellow artists. These sessions provide personalized feedback, guidance, and accountability to help you overcome challenges and make meaningful progress in your art journey.


Our art critiques offer valuable insights and feedback on your artwork. You'll have the chance to submit your pieces, and Antrese will provide constructive criticism, highlighting areas of strength and suggesting ways to improve. It's a fantastic opportunity to refine your skills and develop your artistic voice.


You bet! All coaching and critique sessions are recorded for your convenience. If you're unable to attend a live session, you can access the recordings at any time to catch up on what you missed or revisit the valuable insights and discussions shared during those sessions.


Growth Studio welcomes artists of all skill levels. It is designed to meet you where you're at and provide the necessary guidance and support to help you grow. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist looking to take your practice to the next level, you can count on tailored feedback to suit your needs.


Growth Studio is a membership-based program, and you have the flexibility to choose your own pace. The program is designed to be ongoing, allowing you to access coaching, critiques, and resources for as long as you're a member. There is no fixed duration, so you can continue benefiting from the program as long as you find value in it.


Yes, you have full control over your membership. If you wish to cancel, you can do so at any time by just emailing support. We understand that circumstances may change, and we want our members to have the freedom to decide what works best for them.


Absolutely! Growth Studio fosters a supportive community of artists who are on the same journey as you. Our private platform and live group interactions provide opportunities to connect, share insights, and learn from one another. It's a space where you can find inspiration, collaboration, and lifelong friendships.

How can I join Growth Studio and get started on my artistic journey?

Joining Growth Studio is easy! Just click on the Join Now button. You'll be guided through a straightforward enrollment process, and once you're a member, you'll gain immediate access to all the benefits and resources Growth Studio has to offer.