About you and me...

Hi, I'm Antrese

I know what it’s like to have people tell you you’re doing it wrong.

I also know the problem isn’t that they say it—the problem is when you start believing them.

That’s why I walked out of an art instructor’s class the second he took my brush out of my hand and made the mark hethought belonged on my painting.

I never went back.

Because I don’t believe in making you paint like me.

I believe in making you paint like you.

I believe your art already has a voice, even if you don’t know how to hear it yet.

And I’m damn good at teasing it out.

How do I know?

I spent 10 years as an Art Director for Disney, making sure the video games matched the movies. That meant coaching artists on why a single line on a chair didn’t feel like 101 Dalmatians or explaining to animators in Russia exactly how Jack Sparrow moves when he’s three rums deep.

I worked on everything from The Lion King to Pirates of the Caribbean, Kim Possible, and every princess in the kingdom. I was surrounded by the best animators in the world—and my job was to help them make their work even better.

That means I know how to see what makes your work uniquely yours and help you amplify it. Even if you think you “don’t have a voice.”

What else?

I’m a Master Certified Life Coach (that took two years and three separate certifications) and trained in integrative hypnosis. What does that mean for you? It means I know exactly how to pull out the stories, limiting beliefs, and mental roadblocks that keep you stuck—so you can finally get moving.

Because let’s be honest: the biggest thing holding you back from your art isn’t your brushwork or your color choices. It’s the noise in your head that says you’re not good enough, not original enough, or that art is a dead-end career.

That’s bullshit.

And I’m here to help you tune out all the “shoulds” and create work that actually feels like yours.

Why me?

Because I believe in you 1,000%.

And if you don’t believe in yourself yet, don’t worry—I can loan you some of mine.

I’ll help you get clear on what you want to say with your work, give you straight-up (but kind) critiques, and help you get out of your own way so you can make art with confidence.

You don’t need someone telling you what’s wrong.
You need someone who can see what’s right—and help you bring more of that into your work.

Want to work with me?

Here’s how:
👉 Join Growth Studio

👉 Book a private session
