Realist painter Chris Leib’s artistic journey began by way of anthropology and a near-miss with a career in real estate. An apprenticeship with Roberto Lupetti provided a foundation from which his talent could organically grow. Leib discusses overcoming setbacks, including an explosion that forced him from his home and studio, life with a fellow artist as your spouse, and the habits and mindset that contribute to productive creativity.
Show Notes
- Chris Leib studied anthropology, considered law school, and delivered furniture before pursuing art.
- A strange advertisement requesting doodles and drawings led to Chris’s first job in the art world.
- Chris was so determined to go to art school, he lived out of his car until he saved up enough money.
- A career in art or real estate? It came down to the opinion of a guy his father met at the gym.
- Leib’s work includes bonobos, astronauts, and often plays with the evolutionary spectrum.
- Chris shares how an explosion and fire left him without a studio or home but opened doors for greater interaction with the local art community.
- Chris discusses the bonds, benefits, and understanding that come with a marriage between two artists, as he has with his wife, artist Kirstine Reiner Hansen.
- While not a creature of habit, Chris shares the few consistencies in his process.
- What advice would Chris give his younger self? Get involved in social media sooner! And move to New York sooner!
- How letting go of the pretentious side of the art world allows artists to fully realize their authentic self.
Other Artists Mentioned During This Episode:
- Chris’s father-Merv Leib
- Roberto Lupetti
- John Copeland
- Chris’s wife, Kirstine Reiner Hansen
- John Singer Sargent
During the interview, Antrese mentions artists who are married to another artist:
Links to Chris’s Work:
Connect with Chris on Facebook.
Connect with Chris on Instagram
Upcoming Shows
beinArt Gallery, Melbourne
‘Force of Nature‘
Bash Fine Art, Las Vegas
‘Annual Group Show‘
Stoerpunkt Gallery, Munich
‘Half a Pound of Art‘