Hello, artist!

The Top-Ranked Podcast for painters!

Ranked among the top 30 educational podcasts in the world, with more than 1000 five star reviews worldwide, the Savvy Painter podcast does more than just inspire your creative muse.

Whether you’re in a big city, or an isolated village, you don’t have to feel alone in your studio. 

Listen to top artists, authors, and visionaries share their insights, nitty gritty details about their creative process, and what really goes on behind the scenes.

Your studio is your sanctuary, but that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.

Join thousands of artists in the Savvy Painter community listen together, learn together, and share our resources.

Barb M.

Insightful interviews that appeal to artists at any stage of their career

All of my friends are probably sick of hearing about Savvy Painter from me, but I can't stop recommending this show. Every episode is a goldmine, whether the interview is with another artist, a teacher, financial planner, blogger, collector, gallery owner...You name it and Antrese Wood has had a conversation with them. The show is informative AND entertaining. And she's not just rehashing what has already been covered in other interviews or writings. Antrese does her homework and doesn't let her interviewees off the hook and glib answers. The show makes me go back and re-listen to episodes (and take notes) to make sure I didn't miss anything. What a valuable resource!


Excellent show

Just the inspiration I need when I am in the studio.

Nick @ Five Minutes with Dad Podcast

Such a cool concept

What a great show! It’s such a needed topic to help artists effectively make money with their art. Very cool!

Adam T.


This is the best artist interview podcast I have found, I highly recommend it to my fellow artist friends!

Maiba Truong

I have regularly listened to over 10 different art podcasts...

I have regularly listened to over 10 different art/artist-related podcasts over the last year or so during my long commute from home to school, and this is definitely one of my favorites! Antrese Wood provides casual yet structured conversations with artists, art manufacturers, gallery owners, etc. to get to the root of what they do and what they have been through. Try out a few episodes and let us know what you think! 🙂


Immensely helpful and informative

So many of use who make/do art...do it alone. This is a great chance to hear from others about their failures and successes that have allowed them to grow and prosper. Some of the interviews answer important questions that I didn't even know I wanted to ask. Thank you for the variety of people you interview. And thank you for the follow-up info regarding the artists mentioned. I am a better artist because of this podcast.

Sean B.

Killer podcast!

While this podcast covers the essentials of art and business, but it also is full of inspirational stories and experiences! Her guests are incredible and Antrese asks great questions!

Traci Reuter

What an inspiration!!!

As someone who doesn’t consider myself artistic, this show really inspires me to tap into my inner artist and express myself thru my business in more ways! Loved hearing Donna Moritz…one of my favorite people to learn visual marketing from! Great show Antrese!


Genuine...extraordinary person and an amazing interviewer

Antrese is an extraordinary person and an amazing interviewer. She is actually present throughout the entire interview, not just reading questions and waiting for an opening in the conversation so that she can say something. She is very engaged and engaging and her own paintings are beautiful. She asks the questions that I, as an artist would ask the interviewee myself but in a truly curious and very conversational way. She shares some of herself but not too much, it is like listening to a conversation between two extremely interesting and close friends. I recommend this podcast often to friends and fellow artists. Go Antrese!

Marie @ Today's Leading Women

A must listen for artists!

This is a great resource for artists and all the creative minds out there. The stories of the artists themselves on the show are inspiring for everyone! Highly recommended!



I am not exaggerating, I've been listening to this podcast every spare minute since I found it. I wait impatiently for a new episode each week. Captivating, essential information for painters. Thank you Antrese Wood.


Great Podcast for All

Antrese’s passion shines through. Artists sharing their stories actually provide great principles for all entrepreneurs and business owners. Hear about marketing, promoting, email lists, and more talented and successful people.


A must for any artist!!

A fantastic podcast, I have listened to many over and over again. A must for any artist!!


Best use of time

I feel like I am painting with friends when I paint with this podcast. Being an artist can be a lonely business. But, now that I have Antrese, she introduces me to a new person each week! Thanks Antrese!

Ziggy Oleary

Love Ray Turner Episode 17

Hi. I’m Ziggy Oleary I’m a painter in Las Vegas. I love your podcast, especially #17 with Ray Turner. He was insanely honest and open with his feelings. What an interesting character. I’m so glad you let him just ramble even when his thoughts started going dark, most interviewers would have changed the subject to keep it all light, thank you for letting him just go. It was refreshing to hear someone be real.


Fun - and educational!

Thanks for doing these. Love the interviews.


Antrese does wonderful job bringing us great guests with fabulous insight

I'm not even an artist and I listen to this show. The folks Antrese has on are wise in business and life, which applies to artists and non-artists alike. I've heard things I've never heard on any go my business podcasts. Great stuff!

Jeremy M.

The Podcast for Serious Artists!

The Savvy Painter Podcast is for serious creatives who pour their passion into all they do!

Hilary B.

I've been listening to one episode right after another since I found this podcast.

I've been listening to one episode right after another since I found this podcast. The interviews are authentic and compelling, the business and life tips useful and I also appreciate the back and forth rhythm she's developed between business and making art. Thank you Antrese - keep them coming!

Tanya S

Great podcast for lonely painters

Only discovered this podcast recently - I listen to it every time I come into the studio. Its great. I love how Antrese allows the conversation to become philosophical. That is when it becomes most helpful to me. Fave interviews so far are Tom Wudl and Alvaro Castagnet. Thanks for doing these podcasts Antrese and please don't stop.


What a difference this has made in my life!

Antrese, if you read this, THANK YOU! You have helped me move mountains in regards to my own creative exploration. I started listening to this podcast my junior year of art school and have completely identified with so much of what your guests discuss. I am a huge supporter of and can't wait for the day I can thank you in person. I have approached my canvases and my own mentality towards my paintings in a new light because of this podcast. Much love!

Kathy H.

Enjoyable and informative!

I'm so glad I found your podcast. Although I don't know how you have managed to produce so many quality interviews. I'm glad there is a backlog I haven't heard yet so I don't have to wait. I'm sure I'll catch up soon thought, so keep on doing them! I like your style of interviewing, it's obvious you research your guests and I often find that you ask the very question that comes to my mind when I'm listening. Thank you for your hard work and for creating this valuable resource.


SO needed

How to make art a business...so needed in the creative arts.

Family Thompson

Fabulous, helpful & encouraging

Hello! I only found the podcast yesterday and listening to Antrese talk while I painted was really wonderful. I felt like I’d found a friend who was prepared to explain and talk through so much of the stuff that’s been rattling around in my head. Awesome! Thank you

Family Thompson

Karen O.

Fantastic Opportunity!

I am a new and very enthusiastic fan of Savvy Painter, I experience so much learning and inspiration from the interviews that Antrese does with an abundance of talented, interesting artists. I love her conversational style and openness. I am engaged and delighted to have this amazing opportunity that she has created with this podcast. Thank you Antrese! My world of painting has become widely expanded and energized through listening to your podcast.

Josh Mortenson

Ebullient interviews that are entertaining and informative

Interviewing and making it interesting is difficult. And that to a visual topic on an audio only medium and it's at expert level. Host Antrese Wood handles this so deftly that you can't even see the brush strokes. Even when a guest misinterprets a question and answers in a fractal way, she encourages and nourishes this surprise branch and delves deeper. Her website has the gallery and bibliography for every episode (which is oh so helpful to not only see the art being discussed but to learn about any other artists being referenced). Put a red dot on this podcast, I'm sold.


My encouraging painting buddy!

I have been listening to the Savvy Painter Podcast for nearly a year now and it has become a staple each week. I listen while painting in my studio and it engages my left brain and leaves me feeling encouraged and inspired to keep on painting. Also, I have been introduced to so many different artists that I hadn't known. I can't imagine not having the Savvy Painter as a resource and painting buddy!


Great information

A really valuable podcast for anybody who wants to be a full-time artist.


Great show

No more roadblocks for Artists that long to have their work seen, except whatever is holding them back inside themselves. Antrese can help with that!

Green Painter

These are AMAZING!

I recently discovered this podcast...WOW, so inspiring and fun to listen to! I really appreciated that variety of topics discussed, and it's all done in an approachable, fun-spirited way. I'll definitely keep listening!! Thanks so much!

As a painter herself, Antrese knows what it’s like to be an artist. She’s intimately familiar with the highs and lows of creating, marketing, and selling art. She has walked the tightrope of creating authentic, meaningful work and making a living as an artist. 

Antrese inspires tens of thousands of artists every month with her top ranked podcast, and works directly with members of her Growth Studio membership program to guide them past creative doubts and overwhelm, and gives them concrete tips to build the skills they need to create their best work.
