Mitchel Coffman raised over $12,650 using crowd funding for an art exhibit to honor his mentor, Jorge Alvarez. Mitchel talks about the genesis of his project ‘Strength’, and what Kickstarter taught him about how the business side of art really works.
Show Highlights:
- Using crowd sourcing to fund art projects
- Understanding Kickstarter
- Gaining prospective in how business really works
- Not letting setbacks get you down
- Finding the path for artists to go directly to collectors
- Researching past artists’ Kickstarter campaigns (successes and failures)
- Developing a well thought out project
- Working through the plateaus of the campaign
- The “All or Nothing” Approach
- Putting yourself “out there”
- Mentor, Jorge Alvarez
- The surprises (good and bad)
- Evaluating the Aftermath of a successful campaign
- Recommendations for using crowd sourcing
Click here to get your crowdfunding cheat sheet!
Additional Links:
Mitchel Coffman, Kickstarter Project, Strength Performance Video
Antrese Wood, Kickstarter Project, Portrait of Argentina Project
Savannah School of Art & Design
RTI Show and Mural unveiling on October 17th, at the RTI headquarters in Annapolis.
Strength Performance Piece, 2014
‘Ollie’ Mural in Far Rockaway, New York